The Editing


content-based coaching to grow your business

Where copywriters & small business owners connect with top-notch copyeditors.

The Editing Marketplace is a group of qualified, compassionate copyeditors ready to help you amplify your copywriting and elevate your business through top-notch copyediting. 

Welcome to a community of people who all make money obsessing over words. 

As a copywriter and entrepreneur, you’ve been hittin’ it hard with: 

🔎Client Acquisition 

🧩Piecing together a weekly schedule of clients 

💫And, of course…writing stellar copy!

At The Editing Marketplace, we’re passionate about empowering copywriters like you to keep moving forward with your business by linking you to (we hate to brag, but…) THE BEST copyediting out there. 

Why are we the best at copyediting? Because we’re more than just copyeditors.

We do WAY MORE than just correct your commas. (Though we do love a good Oxford comma!) 

We like to think of ourselves more as copyediting coaches.

 🤗We INVEST in you as a copywriter, as a business owner, AND as a PERSON. 

🩵We LOVE supporting people on their entrepreneurial journeys because we get it..we’ve all been there ourselves. 

✏️We offer copyediting for ALL PHASES of your copywriting business journey. 

Because just like copywriting, copyediting is dynamic

How we support you changes and grows as your business changes and grows. 

Copyediting amplifies your writing and business.

Are you a newbie? 🌱

  • - We help you develop client acquisition plans

  • - We look at your promotional materials on your homepage. 

  • - We can help you create an SEO and marketing plan for your business

  • - We look at all the avenues you’re using to pull clients. 

  • - We also help with proposals and other onboarding materials and processes in our copyediting. 

Have you been around the block a time or two? 😎

- We help you streamline your writing process, so you can increase the volume of the work you’re putting out without decreasing quality.

- We give guidance and support when dealing with those TLC clients – we’ve been there. 

- We’re also in the unique position to help you grow your solopreneur copywriting business into an agency. If you’ve tried hiring a junior copywriter or a copyeditor and found it to be too much training and work for you…that’s NOT how it’s supposed to be. We’ve taken the time to provide top-notch copyediting training to our copyeditors, so you don’t have to. And they’re ready to support you as you take that step from solo business owner to leading a team of people. 

Are you a Write Your Way to Freedom student? 🧑‍🎓

- Then you’ve probably already experienced feedback from The Editing Marketplace team – you just didn’t know it. 😉 

- We’re proud to provide Write Your Way to Freedom educational copyediting for students. These are meant for educational-style copyedits and are not intended for tight time frames or line-by-line style copyediting. 

- So, if you’re getting clients and starting to feel the pressure of deadlines and the need for MORE DETAILED edits, then The Editing Marketplace is the perfect fit for your copyediting needs! 

*Not affiliated with Write Your Way to Freedom

So, What Can You Expect at The Editing Marketplace?

Kick tight deadlines in the butt!

Who doesn’t want clients as a copywriter? Getting a full client load is THE DREAM. 

BUT…it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. 🌈🦋

With more clients comes: 

- A jam-packed weekly workload

- Super fast deadlines to meet

- And WAY more stress

AKA NOT why you got into this thing in the first place. The goal is more freedom and less weekly panic, people!  

If tight client deadlines have you stressin’, our system allows you to ask for the exact turnaround time you need for your copyediting with no limitations. 

Seriously…you can get crazy with it 😜 as long as the editor agrees to the scope of the project turnaround time and the price…Anything goes. So you might as well ask.

We designed the system to be extra flexible so that we can best meet your needs and preferences. 

For example: Let’s say you have a test project that you need copyediting for ASAP. Instead of having a SET rush job fee, you coordinate with one of our copyeditors on a price you’re willing to pay for the copyediting services.

Of course, this doesn’t mean we condone scope creeping, or lowballing. Our Pricing Menu provides a suggested copyediting rates benchmark, so you know a fair price to suggest. 

Enjoy a fleeexible budget.

The Editing Marketplace allows you to set your own budget AND turnaround times for the copyediting services you need. 

When it comes to budget, we provide a suggested price point. However, editors have the ability to set their own pricing and only take copyediting jobs that they want. 

You ALSO have the power! We offer our copywriters the ability to negotiate prices and other job details with your editor. This might sound intimidating but once you get the hang of it…enjoy the freedom that comes with asking for exactly what you want in your copyediting.

Access a variety of copyeditors to fit your copyediting needs.

We’re a community of copyeditors – each with unique strengths and skills we bring to the table. This means you have plenty of copyeditors to choose from every time you need copyediting services.

Lots of copyeditors = a higher likelihood of finding a copyeditor you really click with. 

With access to our community of editors, you have a pool of others to choose from if one editor can’t meet your scheduling needs. 

Our process is simple: 

✅ Test drive from our pool of seasoned copyeditors. 

✅Find a copyeditor you click with!  

✅ And you’re set for all future copyediting needs. 

No need to adjust to multiple different editing styles each time you need copyediting. 

BUT if you’re slammed with copy that needs to be edited, you will ALWAYS have access to extra support. 

 It’s pretty rare for us to not meet a rush job request.

Join our community of copywriters and copyeditors. 

When you join our platform, you get instantly connected to other like-minded copywriters and copyeditors through our online community. 

You’ll also get access to weekly Q&A calls for copywriters and copyeditors. Feel less alone in your business journey when you join other entrepreneurial copywriters and copyeditors in learning how to level up your copywriting skills

Too busy to make it to a Q&A? No sweat. 

You can STILL submit your questions ahead of time, and just catch the Q&A replay if you can’t make it. 

Feeling shy? 

This is not a put-you-on-the-spot kind of call. Just submit the question, and you’ll get an answer. 👍

Hi, I’m Carley. 🤗 

The Editing Marketplace is a community of people who all make money obsessing over words. 

At the end of the day, our goal is to get you closer to the life and business of your dreams. 

I LOVE marketing and connecting people with solutions that bring them one step closer to their dream life. I truly see it as helping people. And I only amplify brands and businesses I believe in. 

After being in this industry for years and copyediting for practically every niche under the sun…I created: 

  1. My own copyediting course – The Copy Anatomy Course. This online copyediting course is how I teach other people how to become editing pros through my copyediting training! 

  2. AND this platform: The Editing Marketplace. This is how I help get copywriters connected with great copyeditors. 

With The Editing Marketplace, you get the ease of a job posting site with the intimacy of a community. 

We offer: 

🫱🏻‍🫲🏾Access to a community of supportive and encouraging copyeditors

Customizable copyediting options, so you pay for what you need – not what you don’t! 

 ⏰ Flexible timelines for your copyediting 

🤑Suggested pricing and opportunities to set and negotiate pricing 

I couldn’t be more proud of this small, vetted community of dedicated copyeditors.

 Let our copyediting services take you from struggling solopreneur to thriving business owner.

To give you a better idea of how our copyediting amplifies your work, check out these copyediting case studies. 

Kind feedback: It’s our goal for you to leave each edit feeling encouraged and confident in your writing!  

Thoughtful suggestions: We offer creative feedback that goes waaay beyond just proofreading. Our edits focus on structure, idea flow, skimmability, storytelling, calls to action, and SO MUCH MORE. You’ll leave each edit with real copywriting skills you can use and implement in all future writing. 

Grammar and spelling fixes: Yup, of course, we offer the good ol’ fashioned grammar and spelling feedback as well.  

Funnel suggestions: Never lose sight of how this copy fits into your client’s customer journey. We offer insights on marketing strategy in our copyediting when applicable.  

Copyediting isn’t so much about making your copy look like everyone else’s or fitting a cookie-cutter format Copyediting is more about:

– Showing you all the options

– Looking at the copy from multiple angles

– And helping you see all the relevant factors 

As the copywriter, you know your client best. So our copyediting will give you intentional feedback to empower you to make the best decisions and trust your gut.

📝 Baseline Copyediting Service:

Get the level of detail you need in the scope of your edits.

Right Track

This includes feedback on the copy’s approach, tone, and outline. You also get answers to specific questions, feedback on how the individual piece of copy works within the marketing plan, and links to relevant resources.

Suggested Copyediting Rates: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: $75

  • 1.5 - 2k words: $65

  • 1 - 1.5k words: $55

  • 500 -1k words: $45

  • Less than 500 words: $35

Clean Up

This feedback involves a thorough, line-by-line analysis of the copy. 

Suggested Copyediting Rates: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: $85

  • 1.5 - 2k words: $75

  • 1 - 1.5k words: $65

  • 500 -1k words: $55

  • Less than 500 words: $45

💰Pricing Adjustments

Get the support and timing specific to each job.

Rush Job

If you need your work edited in 3 days or less, add $5/ 500 words.

Please note: This is not how long the editor has to edit the piece. This is if you want an editor to lay eyes on your copy within 3 business days.

Suggested Copyediting Rates: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: +$25

  • 1.5 - 2k words: +$20

  • 1 - 1.5k words: +$15

  • 500 -1k words: +$10

  • Less than 500 words: +$5

Extra TLC

If you're new and/or you just want a little extra TLC, add $3/ 500 words.

This is perfect for those pieces you're feeling a little unsure about, test projects for new clients, or if you're writing in an unfamiliar niche.

Suggested Copyediting Rates: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: +$15

  • 1.5 - 2k words: +$12

  • 1 - 1.5k words: +$9

  • 500 -1k words: +$6

  • Less than 500 words: +$3


Get specialized feedback from our copyeditors based on your specific copyediting needs.

SEO Analysis:

Get SEO Insights From Experts

When you choose Clean Up as your Baseline Edit: You can choose to add on SEO analysis as part of the thorough first round of copyediting.

We provide feedback and insight on your: 

  • Keywords

  • Longtail keywords

  • Headings

  • Meta description

  • Image alt text

Suggested Copyediting Rates: 

  • Flat Rate + $10

Q&A Round:

Get All Your Questions Answered

When you choose Clean Up as your Baseline Edit: You can add a Q&A as part of your copyediting services, which is an additional round of edits. 
The Q&A round gives you a chance to ask questions and get additional feedback using the comments feature on Google Docs. This is the most collaborative of the copyediting services we offer. 

Suggested Copyediting Rates: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: +$50

  • 1.5 - 2k words: +$40

  • 1 - 1.5k words: +$30

  • 500 -1k words: +$20

  • Less than 500 words: +$10

Proofreading Round

When you choose Clean Up as your Scope of Edit: You can opt-in for this copyediting service as an additional round of edits.

This is always the last round of edits. During the proofreading round, your copy will get one final sweep-through for grammar and wording errors – just to make sure it all looks squeaky clean! 

Suggested Copyediting Rates: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: +$25

  • 1.5 - 2k words: +$20

  • 1 - 1.5k words: +$15

  • 500 -1k words: +$10

  • Less than 500 words: +$5

Over time, you’ll find editors that you really click with.

Then you can request them when submitting projects.

Or you can set up a schedule directly with them.

Our Copyediting Rates & Copyediting Services

The Editing Marketplace is a community and platform that allows you to connect, schedule, and pay for copyediting all in one place. 

You get access to multiple editors – each with unique specialties, availability, styles, and personalities. 

If you’re looking for set copyediting rates that are all the same, you won’t find them here. 

Because not one piece of copy is the same as another. And not one copywriter is the same as another. 

Look, we get it. Starting your own business can take a toll on the bank account–whether through expenses you need to pay – or expenses not coming in. 

That’s why we let our copywriters set their own budget. 

Plus if you’re reeeaaally pinching pennies, newer editors looking for clients are usually willing to do a handful of jobs at a discount when they first start out.

So, it’s a win-win. 

In fact, with our Pricing Menu, you can generate suggested copyediting rates for your copy to be edited based on: 

- The Scope of the Edit: You can choose the scope of your edit based on your specific needs: “Clean Up” or “Right Track.” This helps the editor know the exact type of edit you want, how thorough to get with the copyediting, and whether to focus more on education or prepping the document to be published. 

- Experience Level: Our editors help you out a TON. And when you’re newer, you might need a little extra TLC in the copyediting. This ensures our editors are compensated for the extra support they naturally give to newer copywriters/entrepreneurs. 

- Turnaround time: Scheduling in advance saves you money. Or if you’re in a pinch and need copyediting ASAP, we have options for you! 

We offer a range of copyediting services – from fairly basic copyediting to a thorough, line-by-line edit. Check out our suggested copyediting rates below – and remember, these are just guidelines. YOU have the power to negotiate! 

Other Benefits of Joining The Editing Marketplace

Tech Support: When you join our copyediting services platform, you have access to schedule a 1:1 tech support call any time you need one! 

Communities: Join our community of copywriters and copyeditors. All of us nerd out hard over words, funnels, and marketing – and we LOVE learning about our craft. 

When you join, you’ll get instant access to our weekly Q&A calls for copywriters – where you can submit as many questions as you like to get real answers to problems you’re facing in your biz

Onboarding Courses: As soon as you get onboarded, you have access to courses that step you through each part of the process of joining our community – making the onboarding process easy peasy. 

Easy Scheduling: Once you find a copyeditor you vibe with, then you can request them when submitting copyediting projects. Or you can set up a schedule directly with them.

Simple Invoicing: Our streamlined process makes it easy to pay for our copyediting services so you can submit your copy to your clients sooner. And get that money in your bank faster!

The Editing Marketplace Blog:

Spilling ALL the Tea About Copywriting and Copyediting

Okay, there’s actually NOT a ton of tea to spill here…BUT The Editing Marketplace blog gives you tips and education on ALL THINGS copy, marketing, and ethical entrepreneurship. It also gives you a chance to meet editors through guest posting. 

Say buh-bye to long-winded, boring blogs. We take pride in our straightforward, educational, skimmer-friendly blogs that…dare I say 😬…are even entertaining. 🎊

Cuz why does learning about business marketing need to be boring? 😴

Have a topic or question you’d like us to cover? Fill out this blog topic suggestion form. 

Start Your 7-Day Free Trial & Get Some Copy Edited! 

Sooo…are you in? You can get started now. 

When you sign up, you get a 7-day free trial. After 7 days, you’ll be charged a $5 monthly subscription

This 7-day free trial gives you time to:

- Complete the short onboarding training

- Introduce yourself in the networking community

- And meet our editors 

While you get immediate access to the onboarding materials, we will need a day or two to manually add you to the platform. But don’t let that stop you from getting your first edit on the books! 

Make a post in the networking community, and solidify the details with an available editor. We can take care of adding the job to the platform for you on the backend while you’re still getting set up. 

The onboarding training is straightforward and walks you through everything. Plus you have constant access to those training materials and guides. 

Still feeling a bit tech-shy? 💻

Don’t worry – we’ve got you, boo. No need for any tech breakdowns here. Even though I’ve so been there. 

After you’ve completed the short training, you also have the option to schedule a tech support call at any time. During these 1:1 calls, we’ll walk you through anything you need in order to get you comfy with the platform. 

And if you’re still not loving the tech aspect of The Editing Marketplace, no worries. Our admin team can accommodate special requests (within reason, of course).