How Copy Editing Can Transform Your Business

Copy editing helps your build your dream business.

I wanna skip the small talk and get right to the WHY behind The Editing Marketplace – my online copy editing community. 

I'm all about creating good deathbed moments. ⚰️🪦

A deathbed moment is when you stop and think, “If I was on my deathbed right now, about to pass, and reflecting on the collection of choices I’ve made up until now – how would I feel?” 

Would I feel content, with no regrets?…Or would I be wishing I could change some things? 

That's why I created The Editing Marketplace. Because a good deathbed moment for me means empowering copywriters like YOU to embrace your best life! 

I'm so inspired by our writers. I see you. The majority of the copywriters we work with at The Editing Marketplace are learning this new skill and using it to create a business that allows them to live out their values.

You’re doing the hard work of creating a good deathbed moment – choosing to live intentionally and embracing the freedom that comes from running your own copywriting business.

And our writers work for really cool, ethical businesses that are making the world a better place. 🌍

Marketing is powerful, and we love getting to grow kickass businesses. Copy editing is all about making your copy more powerful, and we’re pretty good at what we do. 🚀 

How WE Do Copy Editing

Our copy makes your copy stronger, so you pull more results for your clients! 💪

Our copy editing helps you expedite your writing process, so you can crush your income goals and confidently sign MORE clients. 💰

Our copy editing provides a steady and reliable support system for YOU, so you can be sure that your work is consistently high quality. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾

Our copy editing amplifies your work, confidence, and business. This community brings support and encouragement to what can be a lonely WFH job. 🏠

Let us shape your copy editing experience.

Look, I get it. There are plenty of other copy editing services out there. 

Ones where you can upload a piece of copy and get an edited doc back in your inbox from some random editor that you know nothing about. 🤷

But let’s be honest – who ever benefited from the English teacher who went to town with their red pen and marked up your essay for every grammar issue?! 🧑‍🏫✒️

But I know what DID help me grow as a young writer. 

That freshman English teacher who created a community in his classroom and invested in me both as a writer AND as a human. Now that was something memorable. 

Think of us like that freshman English teacher. 

At The Editing Marketplace, you get welcomed into a community – where ALL of our copyeditors are WAY more invested in YOU and your personal copy editing experience than in correcting your comma splices. 😂

When you become a member of our community, you can expect: 

  • A Community of People Who Make Money Obsessing Over Words: The Editing Marketplace is a community of copywriters and copy editors mutually helping each other run their own businesses. Connect and learn with like-minded entrepreneurs and get support from weekly Q&A calls!  

  • Access to Multiple Editors: Each with their own unique strengths, niche, and expertise.

  • Loads of Copy Editing Experience: We’ve seen it all. So the chances of you outgrowing your editor are slim to none. And if that crazy project you're working on is new to us – we’ll be right there learning along with you in our copy editing – making sure it’s ready to publish and captivate your readers! 

  • Copyeditors Who Get It: We’ve been around the block a time or two. We know what it’s like to bet on your dreams. To start your own biz. To put it all out on the line. So we see more than just a piece of copy when we provide copy editing for you. We use your edit as an opportunity to invest in you, your business, and your journey as a copywriter. 

  • Simple Onboarding Process: So you get welcomed to the community and get clear on how to use our copy editing platform – all in a jiff! 

  • A Timeline You Control: Stressed about THAT ONE client deadline? We got you. Just indicate how fast you want your copy editing timeline, and we’ll work to accommodate ya! 

  • Customizable Scope of Edits: YOU decide how intense of an edit you want for each piece, and we base our feedback on your customization. This way, you’re never paying for copy editing services you don’t actually need! 

So, let’s elevate your copy, your business, and that dream life you’re creating. 

If any of this is resonating with you, I invite you to join The Marketplace and check it out. 

With our 7-day free trial, you can explore the community and platform before being charged the small ($5) monthly subscription for the BEST copy editing out there. 

About Carley – How the Marketplace Got Started

If I’m being honest, I think I’ve always had a knack for editing. I’d be the one to do a final pass on group projects, help people with their cover letters and resumès, and grammar check essays for my ESL friends during nursing school. 📝

I was first introduced to the world of copywriting in the fall of 2019 when I joined Sarah Turner’s course, Write Your Way to Freedom. Soon after that, Sarah noticed my copy editing skills and asked me to be the official editor for the group…can anyone say Imposter Syndrome? 🤯

Write Your Way to Freedom is now 5,000+ people strong, and in addition to copy editing, I’ve been a coach since the summer of 2022. I’ve hosted multiple group and individual coaching sessions where I help copywriters hone their crafts and build successful businesses.

I’ve edited thousands of pieces of copy for writers of all different skill levels, and in every niche, from construction to mindfulness to gut health and more. 

Now, I’ve built a platform where copywriters – like you – can find the support you’re looking for. 

The Editing Marketplace is a group of top-notch editors ready to expedite your success as a copywriter, and consistently WOW your clients. 

I’m so happy you’re here, and I can’t wait to connect you with the editor of your dreams – one who gets your business, understands your writing style, and invests in YOU. ✨

📝 Baseline Copy Editing Service

Get the level of detail you need in the scope of your edits. 

Right Track

This includes feedback on the copy’s approach, tone, and outline. You also get answers to specific questions, feedback on how the individual piece of copy works within the marketing plan, and links to relevant resources.

Suggested Copy Editing Costs: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: $75

  • 1.5 - 2k words: $65

  • 1 - 1.5k words: $55

  • 500 -1k words: $45

  • Less than 500 words: $35

💰Pricing Adjustments

Get the support and timing specific to each job.

Rush Job

If you need your work edited in 3 days or less, add $5/ 500 words. 

Please note: This is not how long the editor has to edit the piece, this is if you want an editor to lay eyes on your copy within 3 business days.

Suggested Copy Editing Costs: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: +$25

  • 1.5 - 2k words: +$20

  • 1 - 1.5k words: +$15

  • 500 -1k words: +$10

  • Less than 500 words: +$5


Clean Up

This feedback involves a thorough, line-by-line analysis of the copy. 

Suggested Copy Editing Costs: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: $85

  • 1.5 - 2k words: $75

  • 1 - 1.5k words: $65

  • 500 -1k words: $55

  • Less than 500 words: $45

Extra TLC

If you're new and/or you just want a little extra TLC, add $3/ 500 words. This is perfect for those pieces you're feeling a little unsure about, test projects for new clients, or if you're writing in an unfamiliar niche.

Suggested Copy Editing Costs: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: +$15

  • 1.5 - 2k words: +$12

  • 1 - 1.5k words: +$9

  • 500 -1k words: +$6

  • Less than 500 words: +$3

Q&A Round

Get All Your Questions Answered

When you choose Clean Up as your Baseline Edit: You can add a Q&A as part of your copy editing services, which is an additional round of edits. 

The Q&A round gives you a chance to ask questions and get additional feedback using the comments feature on Google Docs. This is the most collaborative of the copy editing services we offer. 

Suggested Copy Editing Costs: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: +$50

  • 1.5 - 2k words: +$40

  • 1 - 1.5k words: +$30

  • 500 -1k words: +$20

  • Less than 500 words: +$10

Proofreading Round

When you choose Clean Up as your Scope of Edit: You can opt-in for this copy editing service as an additional round of edits.

This is always the last round of edits. During the proofreading round, your copy will get one final sweep-through for grammar and wording errors – just to make sure it all looks squeaky clean! 

Suggested Copy Editing Costs: 

  • 2 - 2.5k words: +$25

  • 1.5 - 2k words: +$20

  • 1 - 1.5k words: +$15

  • 500 -1k words: +$10

  • Less than 500 words: +$5

Get specialized feedback from our copyeditors based on the specific copy editing experience you want. 

SEO Analysis

Get SEO Insights From Experts

When you choose Clean Up as your Baseline Edit: You can choose to add on SEO analysis as part of the thorough first round of copyediting.

We provide feedback and insight on your: 

  • Keywords

  • Longtail keywords

  • Headings

  • Meta description

  • Image alt text

Suggested Copyediting Rates: 

  • Flat Rate + $10

How Are the Editors Vetted?

Editing Is an Art. 

Source: LINK

NOT a horse.

Source: LINK

I’ve taken all my experience, communication skills, and knack for editing and put it into my copy editing course online – called The Copy Anatomy Course. This is how I teach others my approach to amplifying copy and coaching writers.

But to keep it 100%, this copy editing course IS NOT about making little Carley carbon copies that all edit the exact same way I do. 🤖

Nope. The Copy Anatomy Course encourages editors to lean into their individual styles and strengths. 

I encourage each editor to determine their individual style and approach. 

Over time, you’ll find editors that you really click with. Then, you can request them when submitting projects. Or you can set up a schedule directly with them.

So, if all of the editors have different copy editing styles, you might be concerned about getting the same quality of work from various editors. To answer this common question, I want you to hang in here with me and I’ll walk you through how I think of it (AKA, get ready for a weird example 🥴). 

I think of it this way – If you ask 3 different artists to paint a colorful painting of a running horse, you’re going to end up with something like this: 

Source: LINK

Source: LINK

You have three high-quality pieces…

All horses 🐴

All of the horses are running 🏇

And each painting is in color 🎨

BUT in three different styles. 

You see what I’m saying?

The Editing Marketplace ensures when you ask for a colorfully painted running horse – that’s what you get. But we don’t tell editors what brushstrokes they need to make in their copy editing process.

In other words, we can make sure you DON’T get 🦄: 

NOT running.

Source: LINK

And we’ll definitely make sure you won’t get this:

Source: LINK

NO color.

Source: LINK

BUT we don’t ask every editor to paint the same exact horse. This isn’t a follow-along wine and paint 🍷– it’s open studio night. 🙌

So, while all editors are trained, experienced, and high-quality – copy editing styles will vary from editor to editor. This is why I started The Editing Marketplace. I want editors to embrace their individual styles and use that to best support YOU. 

This way, you get to choose the copy editing experience that best fits your copy editing needs. 

Ready to get your copy edited?

We’d be honored to support you on your copywriting journey through our copy editing.